Signature Piano Care Subscription Terms and Conditions

  1. All subscriptions are month-to-month contracts and can be canceled by either party at any time.

  2. All subscription fees will be applied to future services.

  3. No refunds. All balances paid will be applied to future services.

  4. Automatic online payment is collected from the subscriber at the start of the subscription.

  5. If a card is declined The Well-Loved Piano Company reserves the right to terminate the subscription if the payment method is not updated within 30 days.

  6. All services performed will be billed at the subscriber’s discounted rate and the balance of their subscription account used before any fees for service are applied. If a subscription account balance is not sufficient to cover the services performed payment will be due on the balance at the time of service.

  7. All services and subscriptions are covered by our Signature Guarantee.