Creating a #MyPianoProject is easy. Refine your idea using our project design tool!
Project Design Tool
This project design tool helps you take any idea and turn it into an amazing #MyPianoProject!
Doing a project on a real acoustic piano is best. We do award limited scholarships on a digital / electric keyboard but sourcing and performing on a real piano is part of the challenge of doing a #MyPianoProject and can be the deciding factor between awarding one project over another.
Before you begin your project explain to your audience (and the camera) why you choose to do a #MyPianoProject and what it has meant for you to go through this process.
Talk about your struggles & victories, be honest. Your perseverance will be inspiring to the people in the room (and the judges:)
Talk about your musical selection and what the music you selected means to you personally.
Be sure to fully charge your recording device and consider using a tripod to hold your cell-phone.
Do a few tests to make sure your mic can pick up everything you are saying in the room/space you are in.
The rest is up to you. We look forward to seeing your completed project and hope you win the scholarship!
Spark your Imagination
It’s easy to develop any
idea into a successful #MyPianoProject