A Personal Note From Timothy


February 22, 2021


As you have now heard I am moving on from Well-Loved Piano, the company I founded 18 years ago, to focus on resolving some challenging health issues. A little over a year ago I started having some new (and rather concerning) health challenges related to a very rare and chronic circulation issue in my left-leg. Long story short, my best hope for resolving these issues is to start cycling 10,000-15,000 miles a year (about 4+ hours a day) on a unique recumbent bicycle. In order to make room for this extreme life change, my family and I have decided to pivot careers and turn Well-Loved Piano over to a team of people who can fulfill on the mission and vision that started this whole adventure in the first place.

Under this new ownership The Well-Loved Piano Company will continue servicing pianos in Charlotte, NC & Long Island, NY under the leadership of Kenny House (one of my former apprentices who has been building our Well-Loved Piano - Long Island location). For our Charlotte, NC customers, Danette Banks and Rich Goldberg (our existing Charlotte team) will continue servicing under Well-Loved Piano - Charlotte.

I would like to personally thank each and every customer I have personally serviced and each team member who has helped me grow Well-Loved Piano from the starry-eyed dream of a young college kid into the company it is today. I am incredibly proud of what we have built, the quality of our work, and what we have inspired so many people to achieve with their careers in this industry. We have been a leader in the piano service industry and shown everyone what a team-based piano service company can look like. To Darin Beery (Well-Loved Piano - Raleigh-Durham ~ now dba Signature Piano Service), Les Koltvedt (Well-Loved Piano - Atlanta ~ now dba LK Pianos); and all our past colleagues and friends who have supported us, worked with us, and encouraged us along the way; thank you for everything. You have been an inspiration and a support to me and my family during these challenging times.

I look forward to this new chapter where I will be doing a lot of cycling, bike touring / camping across the US with our kids, and working in a more flexible role at Gazelle (the software company I helped found 7+ years ago) so I can be there for my family and kids (and take care of my health at the same time). Thank you for all your support, prayers, and understanding as we close this chapter of our lives. I wish Kenny House and everyone at Well-Loved Piano all the best as you continue doing the work you love and providing outstanding service!

Timothy Barnes, RPT
Founder of The Well-Loved Piano Company